Work Center

A work center is a particular place or geographic location where maintenance operations carried out. 
Work Center could represent a particular workstation with specific tools and equipment on a specific floor of a specific building. Examples:

MECH: Mechanical Work Center.
ELEC: Electrical Work Center

T-Code : IR01, IR02, IR03 IR05.

The Work Center has available capacity. The activities performed by the Work Center are valuated

 by charge rates, which are determined by cost centers and activity types. Work centers can be:

  • Machines
  • People (Labor, Expert etc)
  • Production lines
  • Groups of craftsmen

Work centers are used in task list operations and Work Orders. Data in Work Centers is used for:
  • Scheduling
Operating times and formulas are entered in the Work Center, so that the duration of an operation
 can be calculated.
  •     Costing
Formulas are entered in the Work Center, so that the costs of an operation can be calculated. A Work Center is also assigned to a cost center.
  •     Capacity planning
The available capacity and formulas for calculating capacity requirements are entered in the 
Work Center.
  •     Simplifying operation maintenance
Various default values for operations can be entered in the Work Center.

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