Maintenance Plan with Reference to an Outline Agreement

By creating a maintenance plan with reference to an outline agreement, you can simplify the processing of services which you have agreed for service objects in outline agreements.
You can create maintenance plans for this purpose for which the system generates the following maintenance call objects :

  • Service notification
  • Service order
You can define which maintenance call object (service notification or order) is generated by a maintenance plan by specifying a maintenance plan category when you create a maintenance plan.


The maintenance plan with reference to an outline agreement combines the functions from the Plant Maintenance (PM)Sales and Distribution (SD) and Customer Service (CS) application components.
The following prerequisites must be fulfilled for you to create a maintenance plan with reference to an outline agreement.

Service Product

You have maintained the following data for the service product that you subsequently entered in the outline agreement under Logistics>CustomerService>Service Agreements >Environment >Sales and Distribution >Service Products :
  • Plant for maintenance planning
  • Work center
  • Order type
  • Plant of maintenance work center
  • Business area
  • General maintenance task list (you cannot assign equipment task lists or functional location task lists)
  • Task list type

Outline Agreements

You have created an outline agreement that fulfills the following conditions:
  • The contract category is Contract.
  • The contract type is Service and Maintenance (WV).
  • On the tabstrip Sales , you have specified:
  • the start and end dates of the contract
  • a service product as outline agreement item
  • You have specified the start and end dates for billing in the billing plan under Goto  Item  Billing plan .
You can create a maintenance plan for outline agreement items with the following status:
Overall status
  • Outstanding
  • In process
Completion status
  • Complete

Rejection status
  • Not rejected (The system assigns the outline agreement item when creating a maintenance plan.)
  • Partially rejected (The system issues a warning and assigns the outline agreement item when creating a maintenance plan.)
When creating a maintenance plan, you choose an appropriate maintenance plan category. In the standard system, this is one of the following maintenance plan categories:
  • Maintenance plan category with reference to an outline agreement, maintenance call object “service notification”
  • Maintenance plan category with reference to an outline agreement, maintenance call object “service order”
Enter the following data:
  • Valid outline agreement
  • You cannot create a maintenance plan for an agreement that has expired.
  • Outline agreement item
  • Maintenance planning plant


You can create a maintenance plan with reference to an outline agreement and for a maintenance planning plant (PM planning plant). Each agreement item for an outline agreement can:
  • Apply to your own dates
  • Apply to different objects (object list)
  • Have its own status (for example, Outstanding , In process , Complete )
To ensure a unique assignment between outline agreement item and maintenance plan, you must create your own maintenance plan for each outline agreement item. Therefore, a maintenance plan created with reference to an outline agreement only ever contains one maintenance item.

Maintenance Call Object “Service Notification”

When a maintenance plan is being created with the maintenance call object Service notification , the system copies the start of the agreement as the start date for scheduling from the outline agreement into the field Cycle start of scheduling parametersThe maintenance item does not have an object list.

Maintenance Call Object “Service Order”

When a maintenance plan is being created with the maintenance call object Service order , the system copies the proposed dates for the service order from the service product. The start of the agreement as the start date for scheduling is copied from the outline agreement into the field Cycle start of scheduling parameters. The maintenance item for the maintenance plan contains the object list (for example, all copying equipment which should be maintained according to the agreement item). The object list in the maintenance plan refers to the outline agreement, that is, it contains your data from the outline agreement and can only be changed there. The remaining data for the maintenance plan consists of default values that you can change directly in the maintenance plan.
Since you have assigned a general maintenance task list to the service product, the system obtains information about the maintenance plan type when a maintenance plan is created. The type of maintenance plan is determined using the maintenance strategy which is specified in the general maintenance task list. The table clarifies the system activities for the different call objects:
Call Object
System Activity
Time-based or performance-based
Service order
The system creates a strategy plan and obtains data (for example, maintenance packages ) from the strategy. For performance-based maintenance plans, you must also enter a counter in the maintenance plan.
Service order
The system creates a single cycle plan. You must enter the maintenance cycle manually.
Time-based or performance-based
Service notification
Service notification

Scheduling a Maintenance Plan with Reference to an Outline Agreement

For scheduling, the system creates maintenance calls for the scheduling period that you have defined using the scheduling parameters, or maintenance call objects (for example, service orders) for the due date. However, the decisive factor in creating maintenance calls and maintenance call objects is the end date for the outline agreement item and not the scheduling period. If the agreement has expired, the system does not generate any call objects for maintenance calls with the status On hold , and no longer generates any new maintenance calls.
If you change the object list or the validity of the agreement in the outline agreement, the changes come into effect when the maintenance plan is rescheduled

You can display the document flow for the service notification or service order, that is, which predecessor and successor documents exist and their status. For more information, see Document Flow .


Menu Path
Creating an outline agreement
Logistics  Customer Service  Service Agreements  Contracts  Contract  Create
Assigning an object list in the outline agreement
Extras  Technical objects
Assigning a general maintenance task list to a service product
Logistics  Customer Service  Service Agreements  Environment  Sales and Distribution  Service Products
Choose Edit  New Entries.
Displaying a document flow (for example, for a service order)
Logistics  Customer Service  Service Processing  Order  Service Order  Display  Extras  <Documents for Notification/Documents for Order>and the environment  Maintenance Contract  <Desired Function>
Menu Path
Special Features
Define your own maintenance plan categories as required.
In Customizing of Plant Maintenance under Plant Maintenance  Maintenance Plans, Work Centers, Task Lists and PRTs  Maintenance Plans  Set Maintenance Plan Categories.
Set the indicator for the maintenance contract.
You must define Service notification or Service order as the maintenance call object for the maintenance plan category with reference to an outline agreement. The indicator Service must be set for the order type under Plant Maintenance and Service Management  Maintenance Processing and Service Processing  PM Orders and Service Orders  Functions and Settings for Order Types  Credit Limit Checks, Sales Document Types for Service Orders.
You can find more information on outline agreements in the Sales component under customer contracts .
See also:

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